The Magic Candy Snow Globe

In New York, there lived a girl named Holly Mural. Holly was cleaning out her room. She tidied up her desk and went over to her closet she had many, many, many clothes. Because of her family travels around the world. Her favorite was the teal blue dress from Italy. It was neatly rimed and tied with golden ribbons. A golden band for her head came with it.

Holly opened her closet and quickly tidied it. She finally came to her teal and blue dress. She smiled. But, there was something lumpy behind the dress. What could it be? She thought. My closet is only for clothes. Curiously she gently lifted the dress. There sitting was the most beautiful snow globe. Except for one thing, it was a candy snow globe. There was lollipop, mints, chocolate, and more. Wow! Thought Holly, it looks beautiful! And yummy!

Holly gently picked it up. She stared at it in awe. Holly spun it around to see every detail. Then she saw a latch. The latch was very glittery. It blended in Holly almost missed it. Her mind spun. Should she open it? Or keep it closed? Open, close, open, close, open. Open she thought firmly. Okay here goes but, the latch had a keyhole. Oh no! She thought. What if, it needed a key! She wouldn’t be able to open it! Was it locked? There was only one way to find out.

She gently pulled at the latch. It opened! She smiled. But then there was a whirling noise. Whir, whir, whir, it went. Maybe it was the wind. Or her parents. Then something spiraled out of the globe. It was a mini tornado! It grew bigger and bigger! Suddenly, it swallowed up Holly so fast that she couldn’t scream. All she could do was stand wide eyed and watch it swallow her up. Suddenly there was a blinding light. Holly closed her eyes. There was a thump. She had landed on something. She opened her eyes. Wow! She gasped. She was sitting on a snow pile.

But it wasn’t the snow who startled her. It was the things around her. There was candy. So, so, so, much candy. There were mints, lollipops, chocolates, and much more. Like the candy snow globe. Wait a minute Holly the snow globe! It took her a few minutes to figure what happened. She was IN the snow globe. She gasped at that thought. Her head spun. Her heart thumped. The swirling snow tornado had bought her here. Holly stood up. But then she sank into the snow. She fell on her face. And got a mouthful of snow. Wait she thought. This wasn’t snow, it was sugared powder! Yum, she thought. She scooped up another handful and started her walk.

Everything here was so realistic. She nibbled a lot of things, well candy. And then she came to a chocolate river. She saw a lemonade river earlier on the other side. Yum, she bent down to get a sip. Ok. She thought eating the sweet treats and planning on how to get out of here. She sat down on a peppermint and thought how she got inside the snow globe. “I went in by the latch…” She muttered. Wait she thought the latch! She would find the latch and get out easy as pie! She saw the border of the globe. She would get to the border and search around it and find the latch.

If the globe made her smaller when she got inside, then it should make her bigger when she got outside, she thought. So, Holly stood up eager to put her plan to action. It seemed like miles to get to the border of the snow globe. She stopped everywhere to get drinks and treats. Finally, she got to the border of the globe. Finally! Holly exclaimed that seemed like two hours to get there! Holly sat on a gumdrop to rest. She sighed. Would she ever be able to get out of this place?

Just then Holly sat bolt up. I can answer that question myself. Holly thought, but I’m wasting time sitting on this gumdrop! She started to walk quickly around the border looking for a glittery latch. After like, thirty minutes she finally found it good thing she was looking carefully the latch wasn’t the same color in the inside! Holly sighed with relief. She gently pushed on it. Then she pushed harder and harder.

But it still didn’t open! Holly’s eyes grew wide she saw a lock on it! “Oh no!” She cried, “I need a key! Maybe it is inside the globe.” Holly said to herself hopefully. She searched and searched. But she couldn’t find it. It must be here somewhere! Holly leaned on a lollipop to rest. Just then crack! Holly jumped. The lollipop stick fell out of the ground! Holly looked on the bottom of the stick. It was shaped like a key. Holly gasped maybe it could work… There was only one way to find out she said firmly. She dragged it over to the latch. Here goes nothing she said. She gently pushed it in. And twisted it. At first nothing happened.

So, she pushed harder. After a bit, she heard a small creak and finally, there was a loud Click! It opened. “Yes!” Holly squealed. And just like how she was sucked into the snow globe, she felt the tornado suck her up and push her outside. There was a blinding light once again. Holly closed her eyes. Thump! She landed somewhere. She hoped it was her bedroom. She opened her eyes. It was her bedroom! Yes! Holly smiled happily. She better clean her room. Her mom would get mad if she didn’t clean it.

Wow, she thought as she straightens her books on her bookcase. I have a great snow globe story to wright in my journal. Wait a second the magical candy snow globe! Where did it go? She looked around and spotted it. It sat upon her desk as beautiful as ever. The latch was still open. Holly scurried up and closed it she didn’t want to get sucked up again! She smiled again. It better to keep it all tucked up in my closet!

After her room was cleaned, she flopped on her bed. And thought about the exiting adventure. Most people didn’t believe in magic. But Holly did. Maybe that’s why I had the magic snow globe. She glanced over at her closet. It’s better to keep the story as a secret. Holly smiled.

The End

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