Cyber Security term 1: Malware

Malware is a term you will hear a lot in Cyber Security. Malware, is a malicious software designed to disrupt, damage, and break into your computer.

How to protect yourself from a malware attack. If you want to protect yourself from a malware attack than I suggest putting up a firewall. A firewall is a defensive technology that comes in two forms, A hardware firewall and a software firewall. The difference between hardware and software is that hardware, you can see and touch. Like a router. Software, you can see but you can’t touch. Like an app on your computer. You should put up two firewalls for extra defense because if you only put up one firewall than if a hacker manages to break through the first firewall he gets into your computer. The firewall will only let good information come in and if a malware manages to get in than the firewall will not let the malware out.

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