Cyber Security term 19: Hash

Hashing is an encryption algorithm that converts the plaintext and usual password into hashes. A hash is a form of cryptographic security method that is used to transform strings of characters in shorter fixed-length value that poses as the original string.

For example, when a person wants to send a secure message to someone, a hash is generated and encrypted to the message and is send along. When the message has reached the other person, the other person has to decrypts the hash with a key to read it.

So, it’s like instead of you putting the letter ”a” in you might put the letter ”h” in. So, it would be hard for someone to decrypt you message that you sent. To them it might look like a bunch of random letters. For example, your message might look like this if you put a hash to it. ”Jlkshea halsianb haflhgdaf hadjfh laidrfpoi

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