A safe computer is a happy computer. Here are our tips on securing your device.
First, we recommend you install a firewall. A firewall is a program designed to especially protect your computer from malware, trojan horses, bugs, etc.
Imagine it like this, you have a trophy. That trophy is your computer. But you have nothing to guard it from being stolen, so you build a wall around it, the wall does not let anything go in, or anything go out. That is the same for the firewall, it does not let anything go out, or in. But like all things, there might be a crack or two, but it is still better to have a firewall than nothing.

Our next recommendation is to avoid most sights that start with http. If you look up at our site’s domain name, it begins with a https. Https stands for hypertext transfer protocol secure, a set of rules for transferring hypertext. Just like it says. Keep in mind that not all sites that have https in their domain name is safe. It’s just better to stick to https than http– which stands for hypertext transfer protocol.

The last recommendation is to not click on random links, as that is another way hackers get themselves into devices. If you see a random pop up, don’t click it either. It has a high chance of being a virus.
Have a happy– and safe day!