Weird Dog’s Birthday

This is Weird Dog. He is very, very weird. But he is also really bored. (P.S. he isn’t a cat AT ALL.)

Weird Dog (above)

Today is Weird Dog’s birthday. But nobody is around. So, he did what any other Weird Dog would do and packed his suitcase for a trip to the Bahamas.

While he was halfway packing, he noticed that he was looking a bit dirty. So, he did what any other Weird Dog would do and rolled around in the mud a bit.

After he finished, he was a bit hungry. So, he did what any other Weird Dog would do and he went to lift some weights.

When he was finished lifting some weights, he decided to bake some muffins. So, he did what any other Weird Dog would do and bought some cement for the muffins.

When he left them out to cool, he saw that the house was on fire. So, he did what any other Weird Dog would do and went to take a nice relaxing bath.

After the house was completely burned down, he boarded the plane. When he got bored, he did what any other Weird Dog would do and jumped out of the plane.

When he landed safely on some sharp rocks, he went into his hotel. After he messed up the hotel room to his liking, he wanted to go and see the beach.

When he went to see the beach, he bought his favorite winter coat. When he came home, he decided to treat himself to a nice, long, bath.

When it was finally time to go home, he went back on the plane and flew home. He rebuilt the house out of toothpicks, and that was the best birthday Weird Dog had ever had.

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