Ever get bored while playing Minecraft and think, “Gee, what else could I do?” Well, you’ve come to the right place to get some inspiration! Let’s get started.
- Treehouse: Let’s start with a classic tree house, if you haven’t already built one, that is. First you should decide what type of tree you want to build your treehouse with. Aside from the usual generated trees you can find in every Minecraft world, you can also create custom ones. Such as maple trees, cherry trees, and evergreen trees. There are many more you can choose from. Get creative!

2. House: Now this one is a bit obvious, if you play Minecraft, I’m sure you’ve already built at least a couple houses at any rate. But there are many different kinds of houses, such as modern, spooky, medieval, etc. Tip: You should choose the right location that you want before building an ideal house of your choice.

3. Farmhouse: This is always a fun structure to build, and it looks especially nice! Get creative with this build, you can surround the farm with wheat fields, wagons, barns, animal pens, scarecrows, windmills, custom trees, waterfalls, and there are so much more!

4. Village: Let’s expand a bit–well maybe not a bit, but you get the general idea–and build a whole village! When building a village, you have to keep the essentials in mind. Houses/cottages, farms, well(s) if you have a big village.) preferably a little river or stream, and plenty of greenery (Preferably a couple custom trees…). You don’t have to put a lot of greenery, but in my opinion, you can never have too much greenery around!

5, Lighthouse: A bit bored of the land now? Or has the village you built near the water’s edge inspired you to build something that has to do with the ocean? I have the perfect build for you, a lighthouse! There are many types of lighthouses that you can build, modern, old, medieval, and there are many more!

What other builds did I miss? Contact me if you have a suggestion; and have a good day!