This is Weird Dog. He is very, very weird. But he is also really hungry. (P.S. He isn’t a cat AT ALL.)

Weird Dog is angry. He is also hungry. Weird Dog is HANGRY. Somebody has been stealing Weird Dog’s nighttime treats. And he will find the culprit, oh yes, he will.
One day, Mr. and Mrs. Adams were going to go out of town for a week. “Be good, Weird Dog!” Trilled Mrs. Adams as she swept out of the house. Weird Dog climbed up onto the couch, which he was severely forbidden to do, and his beady eyes stared at the car backing out of the driveway, and until it was out of sight.
Weird Dog knew that this was his chance to catch whatever was stealing his treats. He snuck into the garage and took out some mousetraps. He then placed the mousetraps all over the floor in front of his cat flap. And finally put his bowl full of treats behind the mousetraps. (He also drew a picture to let you guys know what his “contraption” looks like!)

Weird Dog proudly looked at his “contraption” and then presumptuously threw his “contraption map” out of the open window. He then silently prowled around the house waiting for midnight, which the thefts had always happened at. . .
We’re looking at the next scene, where Weird Dog is hiding in the shadows, waiting for the thief to appear. The image switches over to a clock, and its long hand is pointing to a minute before midnight.
Weird Dog waited, and waited, a minute past midnight. . . five minutes past midnight. . . ten minutes past midnight. . . minutes after minutes past, but Weird Dog was still waiting for his prey to show itself. But soon, Weird Dog got tired and fell asleep.
In the morning, Weird Dog awoke with a start. He blearily looked around the house and saw that his treats were missing. He suddenly felt much more awake-and angry. He suddenly saw his contraption map on the floor next to the mousetraps, who had been carefully scooted aside, away from the treats.
To be continued, in Weird Dog’s Missing Treats (Part 2).