Minecraft has a diverse variety of mobs to choose from, with some only spawning in the Nether. So that’s what we are going to look at today; which mobs only spawn in the nether?
- Zombified Piglin. Zombified Piglins are amongst the most common mobs to spawn in the nether. But they only spawn in certain biomes, such as the crimson forest, warped forest and the nether wastes.

2. Striders. Striders are also pretty common in the nether, you will find them in lava lakes or near a body of lava in the nether. When the striders are walking on the lava, they are red. But when they are not walking on lava, they turn purple. You can also put a saddle on them and ride them around like you do to a pig, use a warped fungus on a fishing rod to guide them.

3. Piglin/Piglin Brute. The piglins are a little bit less common than their cousins the zombified piglin. These mobs will try to kill you once you are in their range of attack. The piglin brutes on the other hand will also try to do the same. The piglin brutes do a little bit more damage than the normal piglins, especially when they have golden swords/axe. Fortunately, the piglin brutes only spawn in bastions.

4. Blaze. Blazes can only spawn in fortresses, and sometimes they are found flying around them. The blaze can shoot fireballs and doing this it becomes harder to kill them. When they die, they drop blaze rods. You can turn the blaze rods into blaze powder to brew potions and make ender eyes.

5. Ghast. The ghast is the biggest mob in the nether, and it’s the only mob in the game that can destroy blocks with a fireball. The ghast can spawn anywhere in the nether, once you get in its range of attack, it will shoot a fireball at you. Players will try to kill the ghast by hitting its own fireball back at it, to get the achievement “Return to sender”. Ghasts drop ghast tears when they die.

6. Hoglin/Zombified Hoglin (Zoglin). Hoglins are hostile mobs, that means they will attack on sight. They are the only mobs in the nether that will drop meat (porkchop). The zombified hoglin, also called zoglin does not spawn naturally. To turn into a zoglin, it must be in the overworld for 15 seconds. Like the zombified piglin, it is immune to lava and fire.

7. Magma Cube. The magma cubes spawn in the nether wastes, nether fortresses, basalt deltas, and you can also find spawners in treasure rooms of the bastions. Like a slime, a magma cube will split into smaller cubes when dealt enough damage. When you kill the smallest magma cube possible, it will drop magma cream. Magma cream can be used in brewing potions.

8. Wither Skeleton/Skeleton. Wither skeletons will only spawn in fortresses, and when they die, they will drop coal, bones, their stone swords, and they have a 2.5 percent chance to drop wither skulls. Wither skeletons are hostile mobs. Skeletons are also hostile, and they can spawn in the overworld and the nether. When they die, they will drop bones, arrows, and their bow.

9. Enderman. An enderman is a mob that spawns in all three dimensions in Minecraft, including the nether. When you kill them, there is a chance of them dropping ender pearls. When you stare at them in the eye, they will attack you. Endermen can pick up blocks, the most common being grass and sand.

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