This is Weird Dog. He is very, very weird. But he is also really hungry. (P.S. He isn’t a cat AT ALL.)

Weird Dog was angry now. Very angry. Beyond angry. Extra crisply angry. Weird Dog decided that he would do no more traps. He would just follow the thief to wherever he was taking his treats, and then pounce. He waited for midnight and hid in his corner again. I suppose that he really likes his corner.
One, eternity, later. . .
When midnight finally came, Weird Dog could hardly contain his excitement. Then Weird Dog saw a lumpy shadow. The thief, he thought. He let the thief take his treats, and then run out of his cat flap. Weird Dog followed, silently. It was hard to keep track of where the thief was going, since it was nighttime.
But he managed to do so anyways. And he followed the thief down a dark alleyway. The thief stepped into a patch of moonlight, and Weird Dog finally saw who was stealing his treats. It was a mouse. But then something in Weird Dog’s brain clicked.
What would a mouse be doing with cat treats? That didn’t make sense at all. Weird Dog was about to jump out and confront the mouse-thief about stealing his treats but then something else, hidden by the shadows stepped out into the moonlight. His friend! He had a cat friend named Opal.
“Good, good,” Purred Opal. “You’ve bought the treats on time. Did you double-triple-quadruple check that there was nobody following you?” She demanded. But the mouse was already gone. Suddenly, Weird Dog stepped out of the shadows and angrily growled, “How DARE you steal my treats!”
Opal gave a surprised hiss. “How did you find me, W.D.?” “I followed your little friend.” He responded. “Now give me back my treats!” Opal stepped backwards. “Well,” she said slowly, “If you want your treats back then you have to come and get them!” Weird Dog accepted the challenge and lunged at Opal.
Opal ran.
Weird Dog chased.
This went on for a while until Opal hopped up onto the fence and bounded across the yard. Weird Dog followed, but as soon as he got to the top of the fence, Opal appeared and shoved him backwards. Weird Dog fell down but climbed right back up but again Opal shoved him backwards. Weird Dog fell into a hole, and Opal ran away.
To be continued, in Weird Dog’s Missing Treats (Part 4)