Minecraft Command 9: /time

So, this is /time: So, you want to turn it day. So, this is what you type: /time set day. Then, if you want it midnight for a firework show, type /time set midnight.

You can also add digits at the end like: /time set 29000. That is why it’s useful. Maybe you want to turn it always day? Then you type: /alwaysday. I’m not exactly sure that it will work, but just find something similar to that.

If that doesn’t work for you, press “esc” on your keyboard at the very top left corner, then press “settings” scroll all the way down to the bottom and turn on the cheats. After you do that, scan down from there until you see a “always day” and turn it on. It should turn off the daylight cycle after you turn it on.


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