The Mythical Christmas Reindeer

Elizabeth sat in her room starring out of the window into the rainy night. It was two day away from Christmas Eve. And Elizabeth was already bored.

She sighed “Is it ever going to snow?” she wondered. A delicious scent wafted up to her room. “Mm, Mm, Mm,” She could hear her mom humming as she made a spicy soup. Elizabeth boreally picked some small pieces of string off her desk. Just then she heard a faint jingling sound. It sounded weird. Like miles away.

But on their doorstep was a deer. A strange deer. It had long antlers and had a piece of string on its neck that had a bell on it.

She gasped and suddenly noticed its red nose. And a song came flooding back into her mind. “Rudolph the red nosed reindeer how the other reindeer loved him. As they shouted with glee. Rudolph the red nosed reindeer.

You’ll go down to history! Rudolph the red nose reindeer. Had a very shiny nose. And if you ever saw it. You would even say it glows.” She smiled and squinted at the reindeer. “Is that really him?” She mused. “Who’s really him Elizabeth?” Said a voice behind her. She whirled around “Dad! Look! There’s a red nosed reindeer on our front step!” Her dad raised an eyebrow and walked over to the window.

His eyes strayed over to the deer. “That’s Rudolph all right. But I thought he was a myth or some sort of legend.” Elizabeth waved her arms madly in front of his face.

“I told you that was him!” She exclaimed. “Actually, you told me he was a red nosed reindeer on our front step you didn’t actually said it was Rudolph.” Elizabeth rolled her eyes, “So? He’s right there!”

She pointed at the window and waved her arm at the doorstep. Her dad looked out again at the front step. “Uh, Elizabeth you might want to look again.” 

She glanced outside “Oh! Where did he go! She said. She furrowed her brow with confusion “B-But he was right there!” She suddenly dashed past her dad and grabbed her coat on her way.

“I’m going after him!” Her dad shook his head and sighed “Alright but don’t go out to late.” Elizabeth barely heard him and ran downstairs and tiptoed past her mom.

“Whew!” She sighed and put on her boots and went outside. She went up to the doorstep and saw his footprints. “Aha! I’ll follow the footprints and it’ll lead me to him!”

So, Elizabeth set of not knowing what wonders and dangers she might encounter. She trudged through the knee-deep snow. And after a while she came to a small clearing surrounded with trees.

She pushed aside some small snow-covered pine trees. And gasped “Oh! There he is.” The reindeer didn’t notice Elizabeth yet. Elizabeth smiled and tried to peer closer and accidentally tripped.

“Oh!” She exclaimed. The reindeer slowly turned his head to get a good look at Elizabeth. Elizabeth tried to get up but a root pinned her left ankle down. The reindeer started to go closer to Elizabeth. She started to tug the root but barely moved it. She bit her lip as the reindeer moved closer. It bent down at the root that kept Elizabeth’s ankle down.

It reached down and tugged at the root. Little sparks fluttered out of its shiny red nose. A few more tugs and Elizabeth was free. She got up quickly and dusted the snow of her pants and jackets. “Thank you so much Rudolph.” She considered it for a moment “That’s your name, right?” “That’s correct young lady.” Rumbled the reindeer. Elizabeth did a double take. “Did you just talk?” She asked incredulously.

“Yes, and you really should get back to your house now.” Still surprised she nodded and waved goodbye as she took off.

Later that night after supper and after she had told her parents her adventure she climbed into bed and turned off her nightlight. Down the hall she heard her parents talking as she dozed off. Just as she was about to fall asleep, she heard a faint “Ho, Ho, Ho, Merry Christmas!” She smiled and fell fast asleep.

The End.

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