Five Different Types of Foxes

What is a fox? Foxes are referred to as tricky and sly animals, today we will be taking a look at five of these tricky canines.

1: Bengal Foxes. Bengal foxes are also known as Indian foxes, they come from the Indian subcontinent, like Nepal, Pakistan, and Bangladesh.

A Bengal Fox

2: Artic Foxes. A well-known species of foxes are artic foxes. They are also called the white foxes, or polar foxes. Artic foxes are found in the tundra and mountains of cold regions.

An Artic Fox

3: Corsac Foxes. Corsac foxes are medium-sized foxes found in the deserts of Central Aisa. Their diet mainly consists of insects and small animals, hamsters and ground squirrels.

A Corsac Fox

4: Pale Foxes. Pale foxes have a unique coat, with a pale sandy color throughout their body, turning white towards their belly. They also have extremely long ears, these foxes are found in Africa Sahel.

A Pale Fox

5: Red Foxes. Red foxes consume a variety of insects, they also eat small animals such as frogs and snakes. True to their name, their coat is an orange-red color.

A Red Fox

Keep in mind that these are not all of the foxes, but merely a small amount of them listed above. Thank you for reading! 🙂

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