Animal Fun Facts!

Fact 1: The giraffe is rated the most beautiful animal in the world. Every part of the giraffe is beautiful except its tongue. The giraffe’s tongues are pitch black and one foot long! Yuck!!!

Fact 2: A group of fish is called a school, but a group of jellyfish is called a smack.

Fact 3: A ladybugs dots on its wings shows how many years it has been living. You can’t tell by the size of a ladybug.

Fact 4: Otters “holds hands” while sleeping so they don’t float away from each other.

Fact 5: Guess what? A flamingo is not born pink! They are born grey. They eat food called brine shrimp and blue green algae which contains a natural pink dye called canthaxanthin. Which turns them pink!

Fact 6: A humming birds wings can beat so fast that it can fly backwards! A humming bird is also known to be the only bird that can fly backwards!

Fact 7: The animal elephant is in danger because its tusk is made out of ivory. In the old days people hunt the elephant down and then they cut off the ivory to make jewelry and other things. Or the people just cut off the tusk without killing it but out of ten elephants that has its tusk cut of only four would survive.

Fact 8: There are thirty-seven known types of foxes in the world. But the most common ones are Red fox, Artic fox, Kit fox, Gray fox, and the Fennec fox.

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